good practices
The ONE partnership promoted a mapping of best practices regarding the project’s core themes:
– outreach and involvement of adults in education and training
– guidance
– teaching and learning of basic skills and transversal competences
– Validation of Non Formal and informal competences.
The aim of the mapping was to make good practices available to the networks involved in the project and to other organizations working in Adult Learning and Education (ALE).
If you work in a ALE provider, please share your practice by filling out this form. If the practice meets the criteria included in the form, it will then be included in the project’s compendium of good practices.
Please find here, the CAPACITY BUILDING FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION, the compendium of good practices in Adult Learning and Education
The ONE partnership promoted an online survey aimed at mapping good practices already adopted by project national networks in adult learning with reference to the 4 identified ALE themes (guidance, outreach, VNFIL, basic skills).
So far, the survey allowed the collection of 40 interesting practices, selected on the basis of their relevance to:
- the activation of social inclusion processes;
- the level of satisfaction resulting from the assessment of adults with low qualifications;
- the provision of monitoring measures including disaggregated data for adults with low qualifications.
The Compendium represents a repository of activities, methodologies and approaches that provide relevant contents for the capacity building of providers and networks.
If you would like to contribute, share your good practices by filling this form.
watch the interviews
RIDAP - CPIA2 Treviso
RIDAP - Prof.ssa Alessandra Martino
RIDAP - What are some best practices in adult learning?
APEFA - Percuros de Cidadania
APEFA - Percuros de Cidadania
AIVD - Good Practices Slovakia - Nocka
AIVD - Good Practices Slovakia - Mareena
AIVD - Good Practices Slovakia - Kryston
KERIGMA - Modatex Good Practices - ENG
KERIGMA - Modatex Good Practices - PT