We help women TO discover the world of IT
The civic association “Aj Ty v IT” (Also you in IT) helps to create an environment in which IT becomes accessible to all women.
Under the guidance of certified lecturers in purely female groups, women will gain knowledge and skills that will move them
into the world of information technology and help keep pace with development. They help improve IT skills, but also for those
women who are thinking about a career in IT. It offers digital literacy workshops, special courses in data analysis, testing and
programming. There are also career workshops focused on goal setting, tips on how to create a resume, prepare for
interviews or how to negotiate a salary.
Reasons why the project / program is considered a “good practice”
The civic association I Ty in IT was established at a time when the number of girls at IT faculties of universities fluctuated
between 3% and 5% of the total number of students and women were absent from the IT sector. The civic association I Ty in
IT has also decided to change this by offering education and consulting in the field of IT intended for women.
Managing authority / organisation
Aj Ty v IT
Main target group
Source of funding
Public resources (national, regional, …)
European *
Private contribution
Non-profit organization
Stakeholders involved
Main partners: Google.org, Accenture, AT&T, ESF, European Regional Development Fund, Microsoft
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, Telecom, Zurich Foundation.
Partners: SAP, European Commission, Slovak Commission for UNESCO, Stell + ERP, VIP Tel, ARTIN, STU, Faculty of Informatics
and Information Technology, LYNX, UPJŠ Faculty of Science in Košice, US Embassy in Slovakia, Ministry of Investment, Regional
Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, AVAST, ESET
Lenovo, Samsung,
Community partners: ABB, AVIS, slido.
Contribution of the practice in improving / promoting the social inclusion of the beneficiaries
Participants in educational activities are gaining knowledge and skills that move them into the world of information
technology and help keep pace with development. The project is helping women find employment in the IT sector. By
attending career workshops, they learn how to create a CV, prepare for interviews or negotiate a salary.
This initiative supports the building of a community of women who want to realize themselves in the IT field. There is a space
for open dialogue, information and advice sharing, joint activities and educational support.
However, anyone can join, support common goals and activities, bring new ideas and opportunities for cooperation.
Elements of the project / program that could be easily transferred to other contexts
It is possible to create an environment in which IT becomes accessible to all women. To offer women the guidance of certified
lecturers in purely female groups, to help them to change career, provide women with knowledge and skills that will move
them into the world of information technology and help keep pace with development.
Other potential target groups to which the project / program could be extended
Women in other EU countries.
Practical evaluation carried out
Results and measures taken after evaluation
According to the survey results, the partners updated the course contents.
Participation data
25,000 girls, women and teachers completed educational activities. Increase in the number of girls at IT faculties from 5% to 15%.
Description of the methods of implementation and any recommendations
The civic association Aj Ty v IT helps to create an environment in which IT becomes accessible to all women. In purely women’s
groups, women will gain knowledge and skills that move them into the world of information technology and help keep pace
with development. They help women improve IT skills, but also those women who are thinking about a career in IT. They
provide digital literacy workshops, special courses in data analysis, testing and programming. There are also career workshops
focused on goal setting, tips on how to create a resume, prepare for interviews or how to negotiate a salary.
Project / program website or other online reference resources