Peer Review
ONE involved professionals and experts working in the field of Adult Education in training activities and Peer Review visits, with the aim to support the elaboration of a strategy for the Capacity Building of Adult Education networks.
To learn more about the European Peer Review methodology, download the booklet, the reports of the training in project countries (Italy, Portugal, Slovakia) or the report including the main results of the Peer Review Visits in the different countries.
You may also have a look at the available documents below.
The methodology
- It is a Quality Assurance approach
- It is based on self-evaluation and then external evaluation
- External evaluation is made by a group of 4 Peers (properly trained professionals with similar professional background as your organization)
- It is honest, open and confidential
- The evaluation is carried out against a set of given Quality Areas with detailed criteria, indicators and source of evidences
- European Peer Review Manual for Adult Learning – revision 2021
- ONE Quality Areas
- European Peer Review Toolbox – revision 2021
Core Areas
— Guidance
— Outreach
— Basic / soft skills
— Strategy and leadership
— Management and administration
— Human resources
— External relations and internationalisation/ European cooperation
— Gender mainstreaming and diversity
— Quality management and evaluation
The process
- The Peers visit the organisation conduct assessment tasks such as interviews with teaching staff, learners and external stakeholders; collection of evidences through the consultation of the provider’s documentation – to understand the processes
- The peers give constructive feedback on the processes in the institution
- The peer review process at one institution takes approximately 5 months
- In this project – on the top of providing help to the reviewed institutions, the peers also help identify strengths and areas of improvement of each national network by collecting data
What does a peer in the ONE project do?
Applies for peer review and completes the training
Commits his/her institution to participate in peer review process
Is a member of peer review team that conducts a review of another institution
Is a member of team that makes a self-evaluation and receives the visit of per reviewers from another institution